Tian Long Ba Bu [天龙八部]

Written by Andy Zheng on Friday, December 29, 2006 at 5:02 AM

A garment of green walks openheartedly among precarious peaks
A cliff of jade reflects the magnificence of the moon
A swift horse, a secluded fragrance
A high precipice, a faraway man
A figure finely marked by delicate steps.

Which family does the child come from, whose courtyard is it?
Without enumerating one's regrets, affection abounds
The tiger roars, the dragon bellows
The phoenix exchanges its nest with another fabulous bird
Swords of energy intersect intensely in bluish smoke.

Infatuated all along
Intoxicated from now on
In the water pavilion, the beauty directs the play of extraordinary men
Drinking a thousand cups is the affair of men

In the forest of apricots, the righteousness of a lifetime is outlined.
The accords of the past
The intentions of the present
The gratitudes and grievances of the foreign man, exhaust the tears of the hero
Though men in thousands upon ten thousands head for me
Affection stands at the Gate of Wild Geese, without any other words on the precipice.

A thousand 'li' seem as indistinct as a dream
A pair of eyes shine as bright as the stars
An empty promise is made with the cows and goats of the northern lands
An old alliance is found beside the candle and amidst the hair
In the hazy mistiness, a journey is taken through the snow.

To kill the bear and seize the tiger with one's bare hands
To sweep away bandits and battle armies with one's golden halberd
The grass and trees have a wretched existence, a skull is cast in iron
The legless creature of legend has a coagulating chill, a palm brings forth ice

To be scattered and sprinkled that outstanding men be bound

About the Blog!

A drama of sorrow and joy that includes separation and reunion. A matter of clarity that is black and white. A place of dreams and illusions that colour life and death. A spirit of nobility that marks the 'Ways of Heroes'.